RIDE Gets New Look and Other News

I’ve been planning the new look for some time now. I’m hoping most of you find it a bit more simplified compared to that last version. Some of the pages are set to change and new features will be coming…soon, hopefully.

In other news, gas prices are at an all-time high, my wife paid over $60 ($4.53 for regular) to fill up about 14 gallons worth of gas. Pretty depressing isn’t it? Lucky for me, I work around 5 miles from work so I don’t have to fill up as often, however, every time I do fill up, OUCH!!! Over the weekend, I picked up a bicycle and took a trip to work and back. I’m looking at a 40 minute (each way) trip at a moderate cruising speed. I can’t see myself doing this more than twice a week though, otherwise, it defeats the purpose of leasing a G37.

I have found a boat load of lease rates, they are coming, so hang in there a bit longer. I will get those out to the masses as soon as I can. Anyway, please let me know what you think of the new look.


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